February 3, 2018
Your teeth form part of your face which sounds obvious but as it is one of the primary areas a person will look when they engage you in conversation they are an important part of your appearance and as such require that you pay them a great deal of attention. If none of the ideas on this page out right for you, call us and we will explain about teeth whitening with your dentist. To make teeth whitening cheaper, we have discounts available using our Denplan.
Firstly, you should consider avoiding foods, such as red wine, beetroot, black tea and black coffee. The thing to remember is if it is dark before you put it in your mouth then it is likely to stain your teeth. Brush your teeth straight after strong foods and use a good bleaching agent for healthy teeth. If you
Get rid of your toothbrush more often or change the head on your electric toothbrush, because you are transferring bacteria to your mouth. For brushing tips, please check our tips page.
Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove and freshen your breath. Daily scraping will subdue the buildup of bacteria and help banish some of the causes of bad breath.
Foods which have some firmness or that are crisp will help clean the teeth as you eat. Apples. Carrots, popcorn, foods like this act like a natural toothbrush, choose to finish your meal with a cleansing foot type.
Little known, but gargling with apple cider vinegar helps remove staining and kill bacteria in your mouth and on your gums.
Baking soda is known to have stain lifting properties, so use it as part of your weekly routine and soon your teeth will appear visibly brighter. Ensure you spit the sodium out or it can add to your salt intake.
Choose an alcohol-free mouthwash because alcohol can dry out your mouth and make your mouth more susceptible to bacteria.
The ultimate goal here is to floss without a mirror and to be able to do this in your car. Buy dental floss and keep a pack in your car, desk and home.
9) Brush your teeth when you first get up and before you return at night.
The plaque in the mouth dries out at night and is, therefore, best to clean your teeth before this happens and then, first thing to help keep the plaque at bay.
A strong lipstick can help enhance the colour of your teeth ladies, making them appear much brighter.
Riverside Dental has created this with the help of several online posts, and this is a fun content piece. Before you make any changes to your routine, please check with your dentist.
We recommend speaking to your hygienist if you have any questions or concerns. Bim and the team at Riverside Dental are here to help you realise your smile and look with the help of cosmetic improvements.