July 22, 2017

My experience from the first time I walked through the door has been extremely positive and my teeth have not looked or been this good for many years. My recent treatment (a crown) was carried out with the utmost care and skill and looks great.

Kevin Supple


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man did not brush his teeth for 20 years

Image by channel 4

Reported by the Mirror.co.uk and Embarrassing Bodies – Meet Jay, who admitted to eating the wrong foods and drinking far too many fizzy drinks

As children it is drummed into us, the importance of brushing our teeth, of course, we have all tried our luck, but our parents’ came at us with toothbrushes, and nearly all of us are now glad we listened to them.

But Jay a young man who claims he wasn’t encouraged to brush his teeth when he was a youngster has witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of food and drink on your pearly whites if not cleaned and maintained, with regular checkups.

Identified only as Jay, the man appeared on an episode of Embarrassing Bodies when he was 21, during which he confesses to never taking care of his teeth, by either brushing or flossing daily.

Quoted: “Over the years I’ve eaten the wrong foods, I’ve drunk lots of fizzy drinks, and I haven’t taken care of them – I haven’t brushed them or flossed or anything like that.”

tooth decay

As the teeth decayed, a young Jay became increasingly scared to visit the dentist and instead ignored his situation which would only worsen his unstable and rotten teeth.

Finally, 11 of his teeth get removed as they were so decayed and non-repairable.

Encouraged by friends and his unhappiness Jay appears on Embarrassing Bodies. After being examined by dentist Dr James Russell, who revealed his teeth were covered in tartar and hardened food debris which had built up over the years.

A dental hygienist blasted away the tartar with a scaler before Dr Russell could examine and conclude the full extent of the problem.

After a CT scan, the programme revealed he would need to lose about 11 teeth. – Let this be a lesson to us all.

Luckily, although his teeth had rotted the roots and the bone inside Jay’s gums were healthy enough for him to receive dental implants.

Promising to change his lifestyle habits before the programme would support the treatment –  Openly committing to brushing his teeth and cutting down on sugar and fizzy drinks.

Jay exclaims “I’m willing to give up more fizzy drinks, and I’m more into a routine, so I’ll be able to brush when I get up now,”

After undergoing dental work to insert metal posts into his Jaw from which the dentist can then screw on porcelain teeth. Showing off a fantastic new smile Jay looked like an entirely different person; Reborn with confidence, which he credits to his new teeth.

First aired in 2011, but going viral again after being reported on sites like Unilad.

Let’s hope that he kept up his brushing and flossing. If you are a sensitive patient, don’t avoid the dentist, Riverside dental can provide sedation dentistry, we also provide dental veneers and implants. Book your consultation today or get in touch for more information.